About a month ago, I received an email entitled, "Can I Commission You???" from someone named... let's call him Brendan. Brendan was going to be getting married in about a month and wanted to surprise his husband-to-be with a "watercolor of two pigs getting married by a bird with an audience of mixed animals." The setting would be the Grange in Brooklyn's navy yard and a few other details to be included were family members, a lobster boil, a jazz trio, a water tower, and tomatoes. (Apparently they used to grow tomatoes and those would be a nice symbolic little detail.)
He would leave the perspective and the other details up to me. Over the next few days I did some research and put together this highly detailed concept sketch to make sure my vision was in line with Brendan's:
Here's the work in progress from start to finish - about 20 hours in total.