Nice to see you. Thanks for coming.

The Penguinauts Land on Planet Dino

Perhaps I've said this before (and perhaps I should have checked my old posts to verify) but I really am so lucky to get to work with people who are so trusting, imaginative, and fun. A couple months back, I received an email with the following commission request:

"I am not sure how much detail you need, but my husband and I want  something for the boys' room....we were thinking Outer Space meets Dinosaurs meets Penguins and letting you come up with the rest."

After thinking about this for a few days... er, weeks, I came up with a few ideas. Should the dinosaurs be in a galactic battle with each other, firing penguins from penguin cannons at each other? Should the penguins be riding the dinosaurs which themselves are spaceships? It was s bit of a challenge given that penguins and dinosaurs have NO REASON TO BE INTERACTING!

Finally the idea that seemed the most fun came to me: astronaut penguins have arrived on Planet Dino and are taking to learning as much as they can about the planet's inhabitants. (NOTE: If you're ever talking to me and you notice a glazed over look on my face, it's because I'm thinking about stuff like this instead of listening. Sorry.)

I submitted a few scratchy pencil concepts of the above ideas. Client picked her favorite and the rest is history. Penguins arrive on Planet Dino.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for caring!

Steve McCurry's India

Il Duomo